10 Lines On Save Earth For Kids

Save the Earth is something that we all should be thinking about. We need to save as much of the Earth’s resources as possible so that our kids and grandchildren can enjoy it. With climate change, more and more natural disasters are happening, and they will only become worse. It’s time for us all to do something about it. Here are 10 lines on save earth for kids to keep in mind:

10 Lines On Save Earth

10 Lines On Save Earth

  1. Earth is the most amazing place in the universe for life to exist.
  2. We have access to life-sustaining resources like water and oxygen on earth
  3. Preserving the planet’s natural ecosystems and materials is one way to guard against this.
  4. There are many useful plants and animals to be found on earth.
  5. To ensure the safety of future generations, we must all do our part to protect the planet by not destroying it.
  6. Do not use any more Polythene because it causes a lot of pollution after we burn it.
  7. We should not pollute the drinking water.
  8. We must immediately put an end to all activities that contribute to global warming and lower the global pollution level.
  9. The world is ours, and the security of it should be our top priority.
  10. Educate yourself on the issues surrounding climate change and how you can help make a difference.

Also read: 10 Lines On Good Manners For Kids

5 Lines On Save Earth

  1. Use less energy.
  2. Don’t throw plastic things here and there
  3. Plant a tree everyday
  4. Do not pollute drinking water
  5. Take a stand and make a difference!

Also read: 10 Lines On My Parents For Kids

Not only kids We all have a responsibility to save Earth. We have to (even should have) act now, before getting the things too late. There are many ways that we can help save our planet. Earth is in trouble. So much trouble that it’s on the brink of extinction. But there are people who are working hard to save it. Be like those people who are working hard to save the earth planet.

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