Features of Hakell Programming Language

Purely Functional: Emphasizes functions as the primary building blocks, discouraging mutable state and side effects.

Lazy Evaluation: Expressions are only evaluated when needed, optimizing resource usage and enabling infinite data structures.

Strong Static Typing: Enforces a strict type system at compile time, catching errors before runtime and allowing type inference.

Type Classes: Define generic operations across data types, promoting code reusability; e.g., Eq for equality, Show for string conversion.

Pattern Matching: Destructures data structures and makes decisions based on their shapes, offering a concise way to manipulate data.

Immutability: Values cannot be changed once defined, reducing bugs and enhancing code clarity.

Monads and IO: Monads manage side effects, and IO monad isolates impure operations like input/output, maintaining functional purity.

Expressive Type System: Allows rich data type definitions like algebraic data types and records, enabling accurate modeling of complex concepts.

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