Here's the deal with 'You' Season 4's finale and what might happen in Season 5
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Everyone agrees that You's fourth season was the most tumultuous in Joe's bizarre cinematic world.
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Season 4 of You had many mistakes, but the climax was the perfect ending to this frenetic whodunit.
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We'll discuss that rollercoaster storyline surprise and what Season 4's closing shot implies for Joe's future.
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Part 1 of You Season 4 led us to assume that Rhys Montrose (Ed Speleers) was the eat-the-rich killer London's elite, but Part 2's Fight Club-esque shock changed everything.
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Joe has been talking to Rhys, but he is just a hallucination, or more accurately, he is Joe's murderous side coming out.
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Marienne spent the whole time stuck in Joe's box.
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When Nadia and Marienne work together, it's the best MVP moment in the history of You.
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Kate is of help to Joe in covering his traces.
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It is safe to expect that next season will include Joe displaying a rage that is completely unique from what we have seen before.